1st Grade
*24 February Themed Timed Tests (with a built-in scoring guide at the bottom of each printable)
Each printable includes: 18 addition and 18 subtraction facts to 10
*Counters (Color and Black and White)
*CCSS Poster
*Practice Page with Parent Signature
Add & subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency
4 addition and subtraction within 10.
TIPS from Ms. Lend-a-Hand:)
Just for the fun of it! While papers are being passed out, some students like to trace the graphics on the opposing side. They can ‘see’ the graphic and they
TRACE while they wait for all of their friends to get a timed test:)
Initially my students start off taking these quizzes
with FIVE MINUTES allowed during the first week.
The subsequent week I knock the time back to FOUR MINUTES.
By the third week students are working on completing
36 problems within THREE MINUTES.
If you like this set, be on the look-out for upcoming seasonal sets:)
32 Pages - Cover and Credits = 30 Teacher Printables:)
This product is licensed for single user/single classroom use only. TpT policy states that if you purchase this item you agree not to share your purchases with your colleagues unless you have purchased additional licenses. If your school district is interested in purchasing my resources for multiple teachers I do provide discounts. Please email me at michlenahan@yahoo.com for more information.
Hugs & Happy Teaching!
©Michelle Lenahan @ Lendahand’s Printables, 2014
Most graphics and some fonts by DJ Inkers
Commercial License #111312345
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