Saturday, September 10, 2022

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Sentence Mix Up - Columbus Day {FREEBIE}”

by Christina Mauro
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

Christopher Columbus themed sentence mix ups are a great way to practice reading fluency and sight words.

These can be used in a small group or in a writing station.

I have included 5 sentences for your students to build.
- Christopher Columbus was a great explorer.
- A compass tells you the direction.
- Columbus sailed on the Santa Maria.
- The king and queen helped Columbus.
- In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean.

There are 2 different recording sheets for them to write the sentences on.

Enjoy this freebie,
Christina Mauro

If you love these FREEBIE and want more sentence mix ups check out my
Sentence Mix Up Bundle

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