Tuesday, May 30, 2023

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Free End of Year Who is Who in My Class and Autograph Booklet”

by Wise Owl Factory
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

Free End of Year Who is Who in My Class and Autograph Booklet

This printable has pages for students to gather signatures for a Who's Who of the class for the past year. It is an end of the year activity that could be approached in several ways:

1. The students simply ask others to sign

2. The class helps decide which names belong on which pages

3. The students ask specific students to sign in specific areas

Four pages mention specific strengths such as being a good helper, good listener, good at art, good at music, and so on. Two pages are just autograph pages.

The teacher may select which pages to use, and may also make more copies of some of the pages so more children may be recognized.

Carolyn Wilhelm

Wise Owl Factory


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