Friday, June 17, 2022

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “ESL: Questions for Yes/No Answers Game”

by Rike Neville
6th - 12th Grade

Working with yes/no questions and answers aka close-ended questions and answers? You could assign and grade worksheets, or you could announce a game! :)

In this game, students take turns drawing a card, reading it, and then asking another student a question that would elicit that answer. If they can do it, they keep the card. If they get it wrong, they lose the card, but...if they draw a SWOOSH! card, they forfeit ALL their cards.

This game works for all ages! I've used it with great success with my ESL adult learners. They clamor to play it again and again. They get loud and competitive, and sometimes a bit overly dramatic, but they have a lot of fun and never realize I'm assessing them the entire time!

This will be a game you can use again and again!

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