Tuesday, May 16, 2023

FREE MISC. LESSON - “le vocabulaire thématique - les couleurs combo pack”

by Diamond Mom
Kindergarten - 8th Grade

This is a set of themed task cards that can be used to practice specific vocabulary. Included are 12 picture cards and matching word cards. There is no black and white version as the theme is colour. This is a sample of the combo packs that I have created for the various themes. It includes both the visual task cards and the J'ai, Qui A? task cards.

These cards can be used in a variety of ways. Here are a couple of suggestions.

Memory game- Mix up the cards and place them face down. Take turns trying to match the words and pictures.

Word wall - Use the words and the pictures to help with writing or spelling activities.

Check out other themes and materials in the French category in my store.

These cards can be used for developing vocabulary with beginning French Immersion or FSL classes.

Thank You for your purchase of this product. I hope you find it helpful.

Charlene/Diamond Mom

Diamond Mom's Treasury
My TPT Store

This product is for single use in one classroom. If you wish to share, please purchase multiple licenses or direct others to purchase their own copies at my store.
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