Saturday, January 6, 2024

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Whimsical Cupcake Poster Freebie”

by Whimsy in School Counseling
3rd - 12th Grade

This adorable, interactive poster provides some cheer and reinforces the positive energy in your office or classroom. The tearable cupcakes are sure to be a hit! Make sure to make plenty of copies. For a fun twist, print on white paper and have your kindness club, lunch bunch group, homeroom, or any other class color the cupcakes and decorate the posters as part of a random acts of kindness lesson!

Check out the other free and paid resources in my store, including free and paid coloring pages! If you enjoy these resources, please take time to leave feedback.

Thank you to Mae Hates Mondays for the lovely clipart on the cover of this listing!

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