Friday, November 11, 2016

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Freebie-Writing with Ease-Paragraph Every Two Weeks”

by English Oh My
6th - 9th Grade

as designed with the thought of backward design--What do we want these students to be able to accomplish at the end of this product? The answer: We want our students to be independent, strong and proficient writers.

Each mini-unit begins with an engaging article, followed by weekly scaffolding activities. Week one consists of activities on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday; while week two activities are assigned on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with a complete paragraph at the end of each unit. In addition, an easy rubric is included, that allows students to peer-grade or the teacher can use it as an assessment, writing grade or benchmark.

I use the “TALES” response to teach my students how to write a short answer response. You will see this ditto a little later on; however, you can use whatever format works for you.

Every few units provide a new skill, that is added onto the prior unit. By the end of the 20 units, students will be writing independent, strong and thorough paragraphs.

***If you like this product, please check out the whole product!***
Paragraph Every Two-An Entire Years Worth of Writing

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