Saturday, October 8, 2022

FREE MATH LESSON - “Exponents and Expressions Math Tag Relay {free}”

by Misty Miller
6th - 7th Grade

Movement in math and math games are opportunities for students to be involved in their math activities. Exponents and Expressions Math Tag Relay is a great way to practice solving exponents and expressions while having fun. Math Tag Relay is a relay game with students put into groups racing to answer questions. You will need a large space for this so just move the desks to the side or go outside to play.

They do not really play tag - when one pair from the group finishes their problem they "tag" the next pair from the group to go and answer a problem. :) It's a fun and exciting way to practice some math!

What's Included

Card A: expanded form to exponential form

Card B: exponential form to expanded form

Card C: solving exponents

Card D: solving exponents involves decimals

Card E: evaluating expressions with 1 variable

Card F: writing expressions from phrases

Card G: evaluating expressions with 2 variables

Card H: evaluating expressions with 2 variables involves decimals

⇒ ⇒ ⇒ If you enjoy this game, click here to check out my Math Tag Relay Bundle. ⇐ ⇐ ⇐

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