by The SLT Scrapbook
This FREE SAMPLE includes 6 activity plans taken from the Farm, Transport, and Verb, Clothing, Body Parts, and Food and Drink themed Early Language Units.
The Early Language Units have been designed in line with research and best practice to help you confidently and easily support late-talking toddlers and pre-schoolers with language delays to develop their vocabulary and language skills.
⭐ The freebie includes the following activity plans:
- Farm-themed songs and rhymes list (with visuals)- from the Farm Themed Early Language Unit.
- A vehicle racing activity plan from the Transport Themed Early Language Unit.
- Ideas for supporting verbs in daily routines, taken from the Verb Themed Early Language Unit.
- Dress and doll activity plan from the Clothing Themed Early Language Unit.
- Books activity plan from the Body Parts Themed Early Language Unit.
- Feed a doll/puppet (play activity) activity plan from the Food and Drink Themed Early Language Unit.
Each activity plan comes with suggested target words, ideas for implementing the activity, and early language strategies to use alongside the activity.
These 6 activity plans are taken from the corresponding Early Language Units. These Early Language Units contain many more activities specifically designed to help you confidently and easily support young children's language skills. If you like these activities, be sure to check out the Early Language Units Bundle for even more engaging, evidence-based activities.
Love the sound of the Early Language Units? Here's some more information:
Units Included in the Bundle:
Farm Themed Early Language Unit ($30 value)- This Unit includes research, activity plans, visuals and activities, four interactive PowerPoint activities, and two printable interactive books, all designed to help you support young children to learn the names of eight common farm animals, two verbs, and two social words.
Transport Themed Early Language Unit ($34 value)- This Unit includes research, plans, visuals, engaging activities, five interactive PowerPoints, and three printable all designed to help you support young children to learn the names of seven common vehicle names, two verbs, and three concepts.
Verb Themed Early Language Unit ($36 value)- This Unit includes research, plans, visuals, engaging activities, four interactive PowerPoints, and 12 interactive books, all designed to help you support young children to learn 12 verbs.
Body Parts Themed Early Language Unit ($32 value)- This Unit includes research, plans, visuals, engaging activities, four interactive PowerPoint activities and two interactive books, all designed to support young children to learn 12 body parts and two verbs.
Clothing Themed Early Language Unit ($30 value)- This Unit includes research, plans, visuals, engaging activities, three interactive PowerPoints, and 2 interactive books to help you support young children to learn 9 nouns (clothing), 2 prepositions (on/off) and a core word/verb (want).
Food and Drink Themed Early Language Unit ($32 value)- This Unit includes research, plans, visuals, engaging activities, four interactive PowerPoints, and 3 interactive books to help you support young children to learn 7 nouns (food and drink), 2 verbs (eat, drink) and 3 core words (more, yes, no).
⭐ More information about the Early Language Units:
The Early Language Units are based on the evidence-based therapy approach ‘Focused Stimulation’ and contain a mix of engaging adult-directed and child-led activities, all designed to provide the child with multiple opportunities to hear and learn the target words.
Therapist activity plans and parent/caregiver handouts are included; these outline each activity, and provide examples and ideas for using language facilitation strategies during the activities.
The adult-directed activities include both printable and digital activities (in PowerPoint show format); ideal for both in-person and teletherapy sessions.
** Please note, the digital activities only work in PowerPoint. They do not work in Google Slides or Keynote.
Each Early Language Unit targets twelve pre-selected words (14 in the Body Parts Unit). Criteria re. target selection and the data from two studies into child developmental language norms was consulted when choosing these target words. A mixture of word types has been chosen in line with the best practice guidance also. The rationale and research supporting thee Units is included within each Unit.
This approach and the activities are designed specifically for children who are at single-word level of language development, and is beneficial for children who have gaps in their vocabulary and language skills.
Please note: The Interactive PowerPoint activities will only work in PowerPoint. They do not work in Google Slides or Keynote. They will work on an iPad, if you use PowerPoint.
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