Thursday, August 4, 2022

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Growth Mindset Activity | Introduction Mini Lesson”

by The Creative Classroom
5th - 8th Grade

Are you looking for a way to introduce •growth mindset into your classroom in a quick and engaging way to set the tone for the school year? Look no further than this FREE growth mindset mini lesson. Students will begin by taking a short pre-assessment that will help them determine if they have a fixed or growth mindset. Afterwards students will watch a short video clip that gives them more information about fixed and growth mindset. The final piece of this mini lesson includes a 10 step guide on how to develop and strengthen growth mindset.

► What's Included:

❶ Pre-Assessment

❷ Links to 2 Fixed and Growth Mindset Short Videos

❸ Fixed vs. Growth Mindset Informational Sheets (A blank sheet has been provided if teachers want this for a note taking guide during the videos)

❹ 10 Step Guide to Developing a Growth Mindset

❺ Post Assessment (To be completed at the end of the school year)

This lesson is great to use during the first week of a new school year before beginning other growth mindset activities throughout the year.

If you are looking for other growth mindset resources that incorporate the steps included in the Developing Growth Mindset Guide, check out these resources below:

→ Growth Mindset Activity Banners

→ Growth Mindset Interactive Bulletin Board | Motivational Posters

→ Growth Mindset Writing Prompts | Year Long Resource

→ Growth Mindset Student Shout Outs and Awards

→ Student Data Folders and Growth Mindset Activities Bundle

→ Growth Mindset Activities Bundle


Please download the product preview to see exactly what you are getting when you purchase this product.

Created by Stephanie M. Icenogle, The Creative Classroom ©2022

All rights reserved by author.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.

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